Uniwersytet w Białymstoku - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Constitutional Law of the European Union 370-PS5-4ERAAX
Konwersatorium (KON) Rok akademicki 2021/22

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 30
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)

Treaty on European Union,

Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

Basic literature:

K. Lenaerts, P. Van Nuffel, European Union Law, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2011

J. Fairhurst, Law of the European Union, Harlow [etc.] : Pearson Education Limited, 2012

T. Dubowski, Constitutional Law of the European Union, Temida 2, Białystok 2011

Efekty uczenia się:


- student knows and understands basic legal terminology, in particular in area of relations between EU law and national law (K_W07)

- student knws and understands terminology in area of EU law (K_W08)

- student knows basic assumptions relevant for national legal system and its relations with EU law and international public law (K_W09)

- student knows methods and instruments of acquiring of data (legal acts, judgements, scientific contributions) in area of EU law (K_W12)


- student is able to interpret and explain correctly the meaning of EU law norms and their mutual relations as well as their relation towards national law norms (K_U01)

- student is ready to use theoretical knowledge in area of EU law (K_U03)

- student uses knowledge acquired in area of EU law in order to solve legal problems or issues of ambiguous nature in that respect and to present possible solutions in that area (K_U06)

Social competence:

- student is able to supplement individually his/her konowledge and skills including also interdisciplinary aspects (K_K06)

Verification: for all the effects - oral exam (list of topics included in part. B), in justified cases - written exam (single-choice test)

Depending on epidemic situation and limitations connected to it the exam might be organized via e-learning platform (e.g. Blackboard), in such case it will be written exam - real time test (single-choice)

Metody i kryteria oceniania:

oral exam - three questions concerning topics listed in part. B, the final result depends also on student's activity during the semester

in justified cases - written exam (single-choice test)

Depending on epidemic situation and limitations connected to it the exam might be organized via e-learning platform (e.g. Blackboard), in such case it will be written exam - real time test (single-choice)

Zakres tematów:

1. Introduction

2. Legal character of the EU

3. Fundamental values and principles of the EU

4. Membership/withdrawal from the EU

5. Competences of the EU

6. EU and national law – primacy and direct effect

7. Sources of EU law

8. Decision-making in the EU

9. Institutional structure of the EU

10. Legal protection in the EU

Metody dydaktyczne:

Lecture (including e-learning part), consultations

Grupy zajęciowe

zobacz na planie zajęć

Grupa Termin(y) Prowadzący Miejsca Liczba osób w grupie / limit miejsc Akcje
1 każdy wtorek, 17:00 - 19:15, sala e-learning
każda środa, 9:00 - 11:15, sala 306
Tomasz Dubowski 9/ szczegóły
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