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Practical Russian Learning part 2B- language improvement, additional classes

General data

Course ID: 340-RP1-2PNRB
Erasmus code / ISCED: 09.001 Kod klasyfikacyjny przedmiotu składa się z trzech do pięciu cyfr, przy czym trzy pierwsze oznaczają klasyfikację dziedziny wg. Listy kodów dziedzin obowiązującej w programie Socrates/Erasmus, czwarta (dotąd na ogół 0) – ewentualne uszczegółowienie informacji o dyscyplinie, piąta – stopień zaawansowania przedmiotu ustalony na podstawie roku studiów, dla którego przedmiot jest przeznaczony. / (unknown)
Course title: Practical Russian Learning part 2B- language improvement, additional classes
Name in Polish: Praktyczna nauka języka rosyjskiego cz. 2B - doskonalenie językowe, zajęcia dodatkowe
Organizational unit: Faculty of Philology
Course groups: (in Polish) 3L stac. I st. studia filologii rosyjskiej dla poczatkujących-przedmioty obowiązkowe
(in Polish) Filologia rosyjska dla rozpoczynających 2 rok sem.letni 1 stopień - podstawy
(in Polish) Filologia rosyjska dla rozpoczynających 2 rok sem.zimowy 1 stopień - podstawy
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 10.00 Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: Russian
Type of course:

(in Polish) kierunkowe
obligatory courses

Prerequisites (description):

The student should know the practical Russian language material from the first year of studies


(in Polish) w sali

Short description:

Teaching Russian through the synthetic and integrated development of all language skills: writing, reading, speaking and listening. Improving the skills of the correct use of the Russian language in speech and writing.

Full description:

Profile of studies: general academic;

Form of studies: full-time;

Type of course: major, compulsory, MK_1;

Field and discipline of science: language studies;

Year of studies / semester: year II, semester 3 and 4;

Entry requirements (the so-called sequential system of classes and exams): practical Russian language learning, part 1; practical Russian language learning - part 1 - specialization module, additional classes; exam after the first year of study;

Number of teaching hours with the division into the forms of teaching: 240 hours, exercises;

Teaching methods: discussion, lecture, oral statements, work with texts, individual work, group work, projects, consultations;

ECTS credits: 23;

Balance of student workload:

- participation in classes: 240 h (9.6 ECTS),

- preparation for classes: 150 h (6 ECTS),

- participation in consultations: 60 h (3 ECTS),

- preparation for the exam and exam 35h (4.4 ECTS);

Quantitative indicators:

number of ECTS points for a course / module - 23, including:

ECTS credits for activities requiring the direct participation of academic teachers and students - 12.6 (300 h)

ECTS credits for practical classes - 23 (300 h)


Basic literature:

- J. Chomko, Podręcznik do praktycznej nauki języka rosyjskiego (dla studentów filologów – II rok studiów), Białystok 2002.

Supplementary literature:

- T. Cwejman, W. Torzecka, Materiały do praktycznej nauki języka rosyjskiego, Warszawa 1984.

- I.Grek-Pabisowa, Słownik ortograficzny języka rosyjskiego, Warszawa 1995.

- W. Ingram, S. Paszt, Język rosyjski w ćwiczeniach, Warszawa 1981.

- A. Pado, Читай, пиши, говори, cz. II, Warszawa 1998.

- J. Dobrowolski, Туры по России, Warszawa 2011.

- S. Orzechowska, Ćwiczenia z ortografii rosyjskiej z zasadami pisowni, Wrocław 1994.

- K. Rumińska, H. Waszkielewicz, Język rosyjski. Mały podręcznik tekstów pisanych, Warszawa-Kraków 1996.

- Н. Г. Ткаченко, Тесты по грамматике русского языка, ч. 1, Москва 2006.

- Д. Э. Розенталь, Пособие по русскому языку, Москва 2006.

- Д. Э. Розенталь, И. Б. Голуб, Русский язык для поступающих в вузы, Москва 2006.

- Т. Барышникова, Весь русский язык в правилах и упражнениях, Москва 2004.

- Т. Барышникова, Вся орфография русского языка в правилах и упражнениях, Москва 2002.

- А.В.Хлебникова, Е.Ф.Плотникова, Сборник текстов для закрепления навыков правописания, Москва 1972.

- В. В. Ежов-Строителев, Упражнения и задания по русскому языку для средней и старшей школы, Москва 2000.

- Н. Григорьева, Русский язык, Москва 2006.

- Press articles, internet materials.

Learning outcomes:

1. KA6_WG1, KA6_WG2, KA6_WG4, KA6_WG5, KA6_WG6, KA6_WG9, KA6_UW1, KA6_UW2, KA6_UW7, KA6_UK4, KA6_UK5, KA6_UO1, KA6_KK1, KA6_KK2

2. KA6_WG1, KA6_WG2, KA6_WG4, KA6_WG5, KA6_WG6, KA6_WG9, KA6_UW1, KA6_UW2, KA6_UW7, KA6_UK4, KA6_UK5, KA6_UO1, KA6_KK1, KA6_KK2

3. KA6_WG4, KA6_UW2

4. KA6_UW6, KA6_UW7

5. KA6_UO1, KA6_KK1, KA6_KO1, KA6_KO2

6. KA6_WG1, KA6_WG9, KA6_KK2

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

Grading of exercises in the winter and summer semester, exam in the summer session.

The semester grade is issued on the basis of grades from written assignments (essays, dictations, grammar tests, quizzes) and based on the grades of oral statements (including homework). When assessing the consideration, the participation of students in classes (regularity and activity) is also taken into account. Obtaining a credit for the exercises is a condition for admission to the exam (in the summer session).

4 absences are allowed during the semester. 5-8 absences are included in consultations. Obtaining more than 8 absences does not qualify the student to pass the course (the limit of absences is not taken into account in the case of illness - medical justification is obligatory, which must be provided no later than a week after returning to classes). Participation in the announced inspection works is obligatory regardless of the use / non-use of the limit of permitted absences. The control work that is subject to mandatory correction should be completed within two weeks from the day on which the whole group wrote. In the case of long-term illness, this time is agreed individually with the teacher, but the improvement of work cannot take place later than two weeks after the student returns to classes.

The student is required to work systematically throughout the semester. The semester grade for the exercises is issued on the basis of partial grades. For this reason, "mass" grades at the end of the semester are not allowed. The minimum positive grade (3.0) for the semester pass is obtained by a student whose average of partial grades is higher than 2.7.

The compulsory corrections of the control works are subject to vocabulary cards, spelling (not including dictations) and grammar tests. Each student may write a given control thesis up to three times.

They are not subject to correction of dictations, essays, homework, work during classes. Obtaining individual failing grades in this field is not an obstacle to receiving a credit at the end of the semester, but these grades are included in the average of all grades in the semester.

Exam: consists of 4 parts: dictation, grammar test, essay, oral answer. Assessment by criteria.

In the event of circumstances that make it impossible to conduct the examination in a traditional way (e.g. a pandemic), the form of the examination will change; In such situations, the exam is in writing and consists of 1 part (lexical-grammatical-spelling test + longer written statement). Assessment by criteria.

Classes in period "Academic year 2022/2023" (past)

Time span: 2022-10-01 - 2023-06-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Class, 60 hours more information
Coordinators: Ludmiła Siegień
Group instructors: Ludmiła Siegień
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Grading
Type of course:

obligatory courses


(in Polish) w sali

Short description:

Teaching Russian through the synthetic and integrated development of all language skills: writing, reading, speaking and listening. Improving the skills of the correct use of the Russian language in speech and writing.

Full description:

Profile of studies: general academic;

Form of studies: full-time;

Type of course: major, compulsory, MK_1;

Field and discipline of science: language studies;

Year of studies / semester: year II, semester 3 and 4;

Entry requirements (the so-called sequential system of classes and exams): practical Russian language learning, part 1; practical Russian language learning - part 1 - specialization module, additional classes; exam after the first year of study;

Number of teaching hours with the division into the forms of teaching: 240 hours, exercises;

Teaching methods: discussion, lecture, oral statements, work with texts, individual work, group work, projects, consultations;

ECTS credits: 23;

Balance of student workload:

- participation in classes: 240 h (9.6 ECTS),

- preparation for classes: 150 h (6 ECTS),

- participation in consultations: 60 h (3 ECTS),

- preparation for the exam and exam 35h (4.4 ECTS);

Quantitative indicators:

number of ECTS points for a course / module - 23, including:

ECTS credits for activities requiring the direct participation of academic teachers and students - 12.6 (300 h)

ECTS credits for practical classes - 23 (300 h)


Basic literature:

- J. Chomko, Podręcznik do praktycznej nauki języka rosyjskiego (dla studentów filologów – II rok studiów), Białystok 2002.

Supplementary literature:

- T. Cwejman, W. Torzecka, Materiały do praktycznej nauki języka rosyjskiego, Warszawa 1984.

- I.Grek-Pabisowa, Słownik ortograficzny języka rosyjskiego, Warszawa 1995.

- W. Ingram, S. Paszt, Język rosyjski w ćwiczeniach, Warszawa 1981.

- A. Pado, Читай, пиши, говори, cz. II, Warszawa 1998.

- J. Dobrowolski, Туры по России, Warszawa 2011.

- S. Orzechowska, Ćwiczenia z ortografii rosyjskiej z zasadami pisowni, Wrocław 1994.

- K. Rumińska, H. Waszkielewicz, Język rosyjski. Mały podręcznik tekstów pisanych, Warszawa-Kraków 1996.

- Н. Г. Ткаченко, Тесты по грамматике русского языка, ч. 1, Москва 2006.

- Д. Э. Розенталь, Пособие по русскому языку, Москва 2006.

- Д. Э. Розенталь, И. Б. Голуб, Русский язык для поступающих в вузы, Москва 2006.

- Т. Барышникова, Весь русский язык в правилах и упражнениях, Москва 2004.

- Т. Барышникова, Вся орфография русского языка в правилах и упражнениях, Москва 2002.

- А.В.Хлебникова, Е.Ф.Плотникова, Сборник текстов для закрепления навыков правописания, Москва 1972.

- В. В. Ежов-Строителев, Упражнения и задания по русскому языку для средней и старшей школы, Москва 2000.

- Н. Григорьева, Русский язык, Москва 2006.

- Press articles, internet materials.

Classes in period "Academic year 2023/2024" (in progress)

Time span: 2023-10-01 - 2024-06-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Laboratory, 60 hours more information
Coordinators: Michał Mordań, Ludmiła Siegień
Group instructors: Michał Mordań, Ludmiła Siegień
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Grading
Type of course:

obligatory courses


(in Polish) w sali

Short description:

Teaching Russian through the synthetic and integrated development of all language skills: writing, reading, speaking and listening. Improving the skills of the correct use of the Russian language in speech and writing.

Full description:

Profile of studies: general academic;

Form of studies: full-time;

Type of course: major, compulsory, MK_1;

Field and discipline of science: language studies;

Year of studies / semester: year II, semester 3 and 4;

Entry requirements (the so-called sequential system of classes and exams): practical Russian language learning, part 1; practical Russian language learning - part 1 - specialization module, additional classes; exam after the first year of study;

Number of teaching hours with the division into the forms of teaching: 240 hours, exercises;

Teaching methods: discussion, lecture, oral statements, work with texts, individual work, group work, projects, consultations;

ECTS credits: 23;

Balance of student workload:

- participation in classes: 240 h (9.6 ECTS),

- preparation for classes: 150 h (6 ECTS),

- participation in consultations: 60 h (3 ECTS),

- preparation for the exam and exam 35h (4.4 ECTS);

Quantitative indicators:

number of ECTS points for a course / module - 23, including:

ECTS credits for activities requiring the direct participation of academic teachers and students - 12.6 (300 h)

ECTS credits for practical classes - 23 (300 h)


Basic literature:

- J. Chomko, Podręcznik do praktycznej nauki języka rosyjskiego (dla studentów filologów – II rok studiów), Białystok 2002.

Supplementary literature:

- T. Cwejman, W. Torzecka, Materiały do praktycznej nauki języka rosyjskiego, Warszawa 1984.

- I.Grek-Pabisowa, Słownik ortograficzny języka rosyjskiego, Warszawa 1995.

- W. Ingram, S. Paszt, Język rosyjski w ćwiczeniach, Warszawa 1981.

- A. Pado, Читай, пиши, говори, cz. II, Warszawa 1998.

- J. Dobrowolski, Туры по России, Warszawa 2011.

- S. Orzechowska, Ćwiczenia z ortografii rosyjskiej z zasadami pisowni, Wrocław 1994.

- K. Rumińska, H. Waszkielewicz, Język rosyjski. Mały podręcznik tekstów pisanych, Warszawa-Kraków 1996.

- Н. Г. Ткаченко, Тесты по грамматике русского языка, ч. 1, Москва 2006.

- Д. Э. Розенталь, Пособие по русскому языку, Москва 2006.

- Д. Э. Розенталь, И. Б. Голуб, Русский язык для поступающих в вузы, Москва 2006.

- Т. Барышникова, Весь русский язык в правилах и упражнениях, Москва 2004.

- Т. Барышникова, Вся орфография русского языка в правилах и упражнениях, Москва 2002.

- А.В.Хлебникова, Е.Ф.Плотникова, Сборник текстов для закрепления навыков правописания, Москва 1972.

- В. В. Ежов-Строителев, Упражнения и задания по русскому языку для средней и старшей школы, Москва 2000.

- Н. Григорьева, Русский язык, Москва 2006.

- Press articles, internet materials.

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