Literatura: |
1. M. Antokolskaia, Harmonisation of Family Law in Europe: A Historical Perspective. A Tale of Two Millennia, Antwerpen-Oxford 2006.
2. European Family Law, ed. J. Scherpe, vol. 1-4.
3. Internet pages: ECHR, ECJ, CEFL, FL-EUR.
4. P. Fiedorczyk Polish Family Law and Family Life Before the European Court of Human Rights, „Pravni život” 2013, no. 12.
5. P. Fiedorczyk, Attempts at Redefining the Family in Contemporary Polish Law, „International Journal of the Jurisprudence of the Family” 2012, vol. 3, s. 357-371.
Efekty uczenia się: |
K_W03 - student has deepened knowledge in the field of principles and institutions of comparative law. Verification - written essay or oral presentation;
K_W08 - student knows and understands the terminology in the field of comparative law. Verification - written essay or oral presentation;
K_U01 - student is able to explain and interprete the meaning of legal norms and the relations between these norms in the field of comparative law. Verification - written essay or oral presentation;
K_U05 - student is able to operate freely, is self-efficent in solving problems in the field of comparative law and has widened skills in solving complicated issues of comparative law. Verification - written essay or oral presentation;
K_K06 - student can be self-efficient in and critical in gaining knowledge and skills about comparative law, in interdisciplinary context. Verification - written essay or oral presentation.
Zakres tematów: |
Classes of European Family Law are covered by several groups of topics:
1/ Students learn about different systems of family law in the European states.
2/ We discuss the topic: EU and family law.
3/ Does European family law exist?
4/ The inflluence of the ECJ on family law in the EU countries.
5/ Council of Europe and its conventions on family law issues.
6/ ECHR and its judgments.
7/ The role of jurisprudence in shaping European family law: Commission on European Family Law (CEFL) and new initiative: FLEUR.
Metody dydaktyczne: |
Classes in English.
Each student will be presenting his/her studies on discussed topic.
They will have to present their own country's family law system, the European regulations,the judgments and the efforts of the jurisprudence.