Podejmowane przez psycholingwistów tematy są różnorodne i obejmują rozumienie mowy, produkcję mowy, przyswajanie języka ojczystego przez dzieci, dwujęzyczność i wielojęzyczność, edukację językową, zaburzenia językowe, komunikację werbalną i niewerbalną.
Możliwe pola badawcze:
• Cross-linguistic influence, CLI (interlingual transfer, lexical access, over-/underproduction, retrieval problems) in a bi-/multilingual mind during oral/written language production or reception or acquisition (children, teenagers, adults) (depending on a given situation, CLI may be more or less intensive) (analysis of natural discourse or specially designed tests, or perhaps some other artificial situations created for the purposes of the study) (influence of L1 on L2/L3 or influence of L2/L3 on L1)
• Early bi-/multilingualism (natural/native versus artificial/non-native early bi-/multilingualism) - the development of each language of a bi-/multilingual child, the cognitive development of a bi-/multilingual child
• Comparing monolinguals and bi-/multilinguals
• Cross-linguistic influence in translation (oral or written)
• Translanguaging (e.g. code-switching) in communication or in language learning
• The impact of English on other languages in the mind
• The context-dependent use of language register
• Academic writing – the use of idioms/collocations
• Translating verbal humour
• English as a corporate language in international work settings
• Anglicisms in particular texts or communication domains
• Language identity (e.g. how a given language, the L1, an L2, an L3 etc. is perceived by a given person, what attitudes they have towards each language)
• Language and emotions (what emotions are evoked by using a particular language)
• Language and thought (how each language influences the way we think); in particular, related to bi-/multilingualism: conceptual transfer
• Language and culture
• Relationship between language knowledge (competence) and language use (performance)
• Gender and communicational styles
• Developmental disorders and language acquisition, e.g. dyslexia, ASD
• Old-age dementia and language production (pathological language attrition/loss)
• Non-pathological language attrition/loss (e.g. no contact with the L1, or psychological reasons of not using the L1)
• Verbal, para-verbal and non-verbal communication across age groups, professional groups, cultures etc.
• Language use/acquisition and the brain (the involvement of procedural and declarative memory which is age-dependent, context-dependent and method-dependent)
Psycholinguists analyse individuals (or groups of individuals) and how they use their L1, L2, L3 (in speech and writing). They do not analyse language as such.
Specific topics will be narrowed down and agreed on individually.